I had never heard of these Islands before and because I fell in love with what the prince posted, I had to google the Islands for more information and found out that they are between Iceland and Norway etc.
Video: Dubai Crown Prince's first IGTV is epic & he puts Faroe Islands on the map
July 21, 2018
Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai Executive Council His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum who is an ardent traveler, poet, adrenaline junkie, animal and nature lover, photographer and so on and so forth, shared his first Instagram TV (IGTV) post which shows his vacation in the Faroe Islands.
I had never heard of these Islands before and because I fell in love with what the prince posted, I had to google the Islands for more information and found out that they are between Iceland and Norway etc.
Like his dad, the king was also on the beautiful Islands.
I had never heard of these Islands before and because I fell in love with what the prince posted, I had to google the Islands for more information and found out that they are between Iceland and Norway etc.
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